BrandStory ranks 30 keywords on 1st and 2nd position on page 1 in Google for a steady 6 months
Organic traffic increased from 1000 unique visits to 3500 unique visits
Organic conversion increased from 10 to 55 every month
Website traffic increased by 110% and leads by 30%
35+ keywords ranked on 1st and 2nd position on page 1 in Google for a steady 8 months
Organic traffic increased by 150% in 6 months
Organic conversion increased from 10 to 55 every month
Website traffic increased by 110% and leads by 30%
BrandStory ranked 200 keywords around multiple education categories across page 1 & 2 on Google
Organic traffic increasd by 3X in 9 months
Offered continous tecnical, offpage and content optimization to grow the organic traffic sice paid campaings were getting expensive year on year
We helped rank 150 Keywords around business vertical and segments for a large technology MNC
Achieved the above results in less than 7 months
Long Tail SEO strategy increased organic traffic by 50%
Qualified leads increased by 80%
BrandStory ranked 140 keywords on page 1 & 2
We helped organic traffic increase by 2X
35+ keywords ranked on 1st and 2nd position on page 1 in Google for a steady 8 months
Organic traffic increased by 150% in 6 months
Organic conversion increased by 80% and generated 120+ qualified leads