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Target clientele and their behaviors
Now your information savvy clients in Bangalore are more dependent on online today over your preferred failing traditional mediums and methods. They gauge on many parameters to trust the builder to make a purchase decision. Isn’t it wise to reach your client through the devices which they carry all the time. Rather than selling your property through a traditional marketing approach, why don’t we try to make your client understand how important it is to buy our property which adds a number of values to his decision over both long and short time.
Cost Benefits
Traditional marketing like Newspaper and TVC’s price quotient is unrealistic today with their claimed but much doubted TRP ratings. More over the first page advert is allocated to you only when you buy a yearly package of ad space with the same medium. With online marketing your brands budget is spend accurately to your potential client to acquire or to make an impression to the brand awareness by targeting them based on their geography, age-group, interests and also the job profile. The fraction of cost you spent on the digital medium will trigger your end client to act upon the call-to-action functions. Bottom line is you will end up spending much more than acquire a client or his mindshare through traditional marketing methodologies instead of doing it online.
Digital Marketing for real estate is more of emotional branding
Digital marketing is not just glorify how amazing your property & real estate is, but also to tell your potential client how we answer his aspirations and dreams that he is emotionally connected to. Since real estate is being a high ticket value product, we realize that the client takes a longer time to make a decision to buy. So your branding and communication will be part of the journey to customer development process. The process will be backed with consistent digital marketing and social media activities and will take some time to reap the benefits.